To our friends
It is written in the Gospel "Whenever two or more
come together to pray in my Name, I am there with them."
Trusting in such a promise, we, Your friends,
"Prayer Friends"
Form a great, devoted family united in a common desire
with faith and love to present to You,
our homage, our thanksgiving, our praise, our petition.
To know and feel that we do not stand alone
before You, dear Lord,
to offer our prayers heartens our trust in You.
Faith tells us that we can be sure of Your kindness
to answer every reasonable petition or prayer.
We wish to express the deep joy that we feel
at the thought of your presence in our life.
In the midst of this uncaring world of ours,
together, we wish to witness to You, merciful Father.
If we join our hands in prayer,
may we also open them to share especially with those
who do not feel the need to know and serve You.