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Lord, your friend is ill

Lord Jesus, through illness and infirmity
You have willed to call me to share your Cross.

I give you the sufferings and the griefs
of my life as a sick person.

I implore you, unite them to the sufferings of your Passion
and to those of Mary, Mother of Sorrows.

In your goodness, offer them to God, your Father and mine.

They will be a token
of my loving submissison to His holy will.

Ask Him to accept them
as my participation as a sick person to the apostolate of the Church
in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, the bishops,
the priests, the deacons, the missionaries, the religious,
and all my Christian brothers and sisters.

May joy never abandon me
and may your love be my comfort always.

And when my sufferings will be more intense,
my cross heavier, the attacks more painful,
help me, Jesus, to say "Yes, Lord"
with deep faith,hope, and love.