Thought of the week
Kindly words are a honeycomb:
Sweet to the taste wholesome to the body.
As you can see, the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph is very much alive. By our presence and our commitment to children, to families, and to the outcasts of society, we strive to reveal a God who is close to every human being.
In Quebec particularly, our Congregation is dreaming of a new shoot, a rebirth...
Thus, if you sometimes feel the need to question or even to contest the values advocated by our society…
If you have a liking for knowledge and experimenting with others the beauty and the surprising newness of the person and the message of Jesus…
If you thirst for personal growth, if you like challenges and the demands of a commitment towards the poor, at home or abroad…
Then, contact us.
Some Sisters will be happy to walk with you and to invent,day after day, a new way of responding to the invitation that Jesus offers you today.
You can reach us in Canada by the site.
In Lesotho, ten Congegations have set up an intercommunity committee with the aim of promoting vocations. Furthermore, each Congregation has its own committee to foster vocations.
We, Sisters of Saint Joseph, organize each year a meeting for girls who wish to learn about religious life. It is often during meetings prepared by those committees that we find new members for our Congregation in Lesotho. In general, this applies to other Congregations as well.
Also, occasionally, we invite some girls to come and live with us for a time, a short experience of community life. It is an enriching experience for both groups : we get to know the girls and they begin to know us. A few decide to stay after such an experience, others, not.
Through the meetings we offer, we make our Congregation known to our world. Also, since catechesis is no longer taught in the schools of Lesotho, we take advantage of those meetings to teach catechesis to these girls who need some religious knowledge before joining us.
Vocational activities in Brazil are a group ecclesiastical undertaking which applies the pastoral directives of the CNBB (National Conference of Brazilian Bishops) supported by those religious Institutes which have a specific vocational charisma.
Expanding from the general guidelines, each diocese is structured into regions and parishes, setting up teams composed of religious men and women, priests, and laity in order to promote a vocational awakening. This formation comprises the human, Christian, ecclesiastical,and missionary aspects and is offered periodically by means of a methodology which comprises courses (CCV: Course of Vocational Conscience); meeting for integrating and sharing; discernment retreats (ROV: Retreat for Vocational Option) and GOVs (Vocational Orientation Groups) at both diocesan and parochial levels.
As for the Congregations in the Brazil region, they are integrated into this formative dynamic and organize local teams to work at the formation of new candidates, postulants, and novices.
In the Brazil region, some Sisters are committed at these various levels and constitute the regional formation team and are also involved in the animation of the Sisters. Thus, young girls wishing to be guided in the recognition of their vocation are accompanied by our Sisters in the various milieus where we live and, each year, a regional meeting brings together these young persons in search of meaning and spirituality.
One can realize that such pastoral activity is very dynamic, that it tends to integrate itself with other pastoral sectors: catechesis, youth outreach, and family pastoral activities. Thus is assured the vocational vigour in the Church of Brazil.