Thought of the week
Kindly words are a honeycomb:
Sweet to the taste wholesome to the body.
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Jesus, as a human being, was not exempt. Like the first couple, he had to meet the devil in the desert of his life. Thus, subtle and insistent temptation appeared in his human existence. We can zero in on three aspects: the temptation of wealth: “Order this stone to turn into bread” (Lk 4;3); the temptation of power: “He showed him all the kingdoms of the world.” (Lk 4;5) and the temptation of knowledge: “If you are the son of God, throw yourself down from here.” (Lk 4;9).
But, precisely, this man Jesus, was in truth the Son of God. His mission had a divine origin and had a redemptive value. Thus, something new was bound to happen. The Son, in fact, opened a new way: the way of love and trust in time of temptation. And this trust and love are manifest at the preordained moment when Jesus put himself into the hands of his Father as darkness covered the whole country: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” (Lk 23; 44-46).
Two ways are open to us when we face the test of temptation. The first, is the way of Adam and Eve by relying on ourself, our personal strength, our puny means, listening to the voice of the Charmer who promises us to become like gods. The second, is the way of Jesus by behaving like sons and daughters of God, that is to say, by praying to the Father as Jesus taught us: “Our Father, lead us not into temptation (Mt 6;13 –26;41) and, as Jesus did, putting ourself into the kind and paternal hands of our loving Father. This second way is our Easter way. It is the royal Way, the unique Way, the way which leads towards the radiant Sun of Resurrection.
On looking over the text…
Reconciliation of man with God, for God is always reconciled…His arms are always outstretched, like those of the prodigal son’s father…
I am a finite creature, there are limits to my love…God is Love Infinite! How greatly I am in need of that infinite Love!
Like the very young child, I need security, I need certainty, I need love! And there are times when I can not find it…There are times when I search for it in the wrong places…
And there are times when I deny everything, I refuse, I forget my source…I shut my eyes, I close my heart.
My God, teach me to reconcile myself with the immensely rich being you have created, my own heart…my soul created in your image! and your resemblance.
There is something infinite in me which has similarities with You; thus You have willed it!...Reconcile me with my heart…with Your Heart!..
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