Thought of the week
Kindly words are a honeycomb:
Sweet to the taste wholesome to the body.
You are here: Home / Elisabeth Bergeron / Elisabeth Bergeron Centre
Founding and mission of the Elisabeth Bergeron Center
It is on September 12, 1969 that the Elisabeth Bergeron center, directed by Sister Lucienne Ballard, begins its activities. Its mission is to make known the venerable Elisabeth Bergeron and to promote the Cause of her beatification and canonization.
The Elisabeth Bergeron Center has meticulously kept statistics since its inception. The various elements are the requests by letters, telephone, emails, others ..., the accounts of favors obtained and the number of persons who have signed their visits during their visit to the tomb.
Communication and reception
You can reach us easily for more information, requests for prayers or appointments, novenas, relics and/or Elizabeth Bergeron medals. Here are our coordinates: – 450-768-1800 #194
Elisabeth-Bergeron Centre
2545, Dessaulles Street,
St. Hyacinthe, QC,
J2S 0K2
On reservation, a sister will be happy to accompany you to the mausoleum (new resting place of our venerable Elisabeth Bergeron). She will also be able to welcome you to the "Les Jardins d'Aurélie" residence (2545, Dessaulles Street, St. Hyacinthe).
Website and Center Elisabeth Bergeron
By browsing the section entitled "Elisabeth Bergeron" of this site, you can know more about Elisabeth. Furthermore, in the "video" section, you will find a video of the life of Elisabeth, as well as another covering the period from her death to today.
In the section "Intentions of Prayer", you can make your requests to our venerable foundress and send your favors obtained. A person will answer you.
Visit to the tomb of Elisabeth Bergeron
The tomb of the venerable Elizabeth Bergeron is now at the mausoleum-columbarium of the Catholic cemetery of the St. Hyacinth Cathedral. This place will allow you to spend time with her and to know more about her thanks to the information written on the panels and to the videos that you will find on the touch screen.
You are invited to leave your requests and favors obtained by the intercession of Elisabeth, on the tomb or in the place designated for this purpose. Members of the Elisabeth-Bergeron Center team will come regularly to collect and entrust them to the nuns of the community.
The mausoleum of the Columbarium of the cemetery of the Cathedral where the tomb of the venerable Elisabeth Bergeron was placed
1075, Girouard Street East, St. Hyacinthe (QC) J2S 1R1
Opening hours
Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 4 pm
Sunday: closed
Favors obtained
All the favors obtained through the intercession of Elizabeth are important to advance the Cause of her beatification. They must be known and preserved. By publishing in the newsletter, the stories of favors obtained, we want to thank the people concerned. This publication also shows that Elisabeth responds to diversified requests. My contribution to the cause of the Beatification of the Venerable Elizabeth Bergeron.
The “Elisabeth Bergeron speaks to us" newsletter
The first publication of the "Elisabeth Bergeron speaks to us" newsletter took place in September 1981; it is a joyful initiative of Sister Delphine Robert, sjsh, then director of the Elisabeth Bergeron Center.
In continuing the distribution of this publication, we contribute to the people’s awareness of Elizabeth and to increase her influence, to make known the favors obtained by her intercession, to thank her and to invite the readers to unite with those who ask for prayers.
Leaflet to distribute: Venerable Elisabeth invites you
May the venerable Elizabeth Bergeron
be near you and the persons whom you entrust to her.
Louise Millette, sjsh
Director of the Elisabeth Bergeron Center
Vice-postulator for the promotion of the Cause of Beatification