Thought of the week
Action speaks louder than words.
- Proverb
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Élisabeth Bergeron, Servant of the God Most Lowly
God hides himself in Jesus. He chooses to stay in the background, hidden behind Jesus’ humanness, and ours. We can speak to Him, touch Him, live intimately with Him, like Mary and Joseph. Mary bears Him to give Him to the lowly. Joseph relinquishes his legitimate ambitions. The Divine Word builds for him, at night, another dream! He makes God’s plan for Mary his own. He adopts Jesus as his child, bestowing upon him his name, his family, his profession. He provides for his human and spiritual growth. At all times, he is the father. He simply and wholeheartedly accomplishes God’s will. Forgetful of self, he gives free rein to the divine mission of Jesus when he reaches maturity. Joseph is really the servant of the mystery of the Incarnation. God chose Elisabeth Bergeron to live the Gospel in Joseph’s way. Her life is dedicated to the same search for the will of God through the Word, inner inspirations, and events. Her simplicity, her inner disposition, like Joseph’s, is evident in the way she fufills God’s plan for her, likewise her joy in serving the Lord. Like Joseph, her model, she allows herself to be shaped, without understanding, by the kindness of a humble and merciful God who wishes to reveal Himself to the lowly. At Bishop Moreau’s request, Elisabeth dedicates her life and that of all women who follow her to reveal the God who is very close to everyone. Élisabeth, remind us that God is hidden in all hearts, in spite of his apparent absence. Grant us the sharpness of your sight to discern, through prayer, the Bethlehems of our world. Grant us some of your humility and spirit of service. Lead us to Joseph, the man of Mystery. With him, we shall discover the Child and his Mother. Like him, like you, we will dedicate our strength and all our affection. We Give Homage to You, Vulnerable and Strong Woman When it is time to choose, You stand, You, Woman of all times. You see the signs, Time is of the essence! Still, God slowly brings your life to maturity, In the sunshine of your age! Do not fall, seduced by appearances: The world would lose its depth and its humanity. Courageous one, move forward, defend threatened values. Your way of being Church Speaks about a motherly God. With strength and tenacity, Encourage your committed sisters So that the littlest person can have a place In the garden of the world. Like Elisabeth, Go to the very limits in your gift of self. This is how God is born into the world! Céline Comeau, sjsh