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I offer you my day of illness

«Lord, do not desert me
my God, do not stand aloof from me (Ps.38, 22)

Lord, a new day begins;
And still finds me ill within these four walls.

When everything was fine, I did not always
Appreciate the joy of springing up from my bed.

I did not know the happiness of kneeling to offer
My body which was awakening to another workday.

Lord, I needed this illness to understand
That health is a gift of your Fatherly love,
And that I have not thanked you adequately.

From this moment, I join my sufferings to those of your Son.
Deign to accept them for the following intentions...

I thank you for all the care
which will surround me today.
Protect me from all ingratitude, all interior rebellion.

Give me, each moment of this day,
The strength to accept, with a smile, the ordeal of suffering.

So that I may be easy to be cared for,
Teach me patience, consideration, generosity.

Keep me in a spirit of thanksgiving and in the friendship of your Son Jesus,
Even during this time of illness.