Thought of the week
Action speaks louder than words.
- Proverb
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Prayers, Work, Sufferings, Rest, Joys, Leisure, Sleep.
My Mass. well understood and lived sincerely, radiates on all my day, all my week, all my life...
I offer all
All-loving Father, I place myself on the paten
With all that I am : my soul, my body,
my intelligence, my will.
I offer myself totally to You.
On the paten , I lay my joys, my sorrows,
My work with its fatigue, my successes and my failures.
I also place on the paten all those I love,
Those who help me and those who have done so,
Those who cause me sorrow, wilfully or not,
Those who suffer in body or in soul,
All those who have asked me for prayers.
May this offering, united to that of Jesus,
Be agreeable to you, Lord,
And obtain for me and for all souls
Graces of sanctification and salvation.
United in Christ
The drop of water mixed with the wine in the chalice
Represents my share of the offering.
May my life, Lord, be thus sanctified and deified
By the Blood of your Son,
To become praise to the adorable Trinity.
In the chalice, I also place the life and sufferings
Of all those who do not think of offering them,
To unite them to the offering of Christ
Who has lived and suffered like them
And who died for them.
May my life, united to that of Jesus,
Become a thanksgiving to you, all-loving Father,
And obtain the salvation of my brothers and sisters
Who, like me, place their hope
In your infinite mercy.
In all masses
I unite myself fervently to all the masses
Celebrated throughout the world.
Thus I wish to remain,
Always in a state of offering before you, Lord,
Who have given me all that I have and pardoned me.
O Jesus, give to our world
Holy priests, passionately zealous missionaries,
Fervent religious men and women,
Christians with radiant faith.
Thus will your work of Redemption be carried on.