Thought of the week
Kindly words are a honeycomb:
Sweet to the taste wholesome to the body.
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After having lost her husband and her two sons in the country of Moab where they had settled due to a famine, Naomi, whose name means “pleasant”, is without next-of-kin to support her. Strengthened by her faith in the Lord, she surrenders herself totally into His hands and gives her daughters-in-law the right to go back to their family. Orpah takes advantage of that right while Ruth returns with Naomi to Bethlehem and bravely earns her living.
As we look at Naomi, a legendary figure in our sacred history, we feel a great affection for this accomplished woman, filled with wisdom and realism, whose faith, in her daily life, greatly influenced Ruth, her daughter-in-law. Forgetful of self, she initiates Ruth to the life and customs of her people, giving her judicious informations on how to act (concerning the right to redeem) in order for her dead son’s name to be passed on along with his legacy.
Naomi, the youth of our times need our deep-rooted faith to last and bear fruit beyond the short-lived. May our life dedicated to Christ be marked with humanity; an attractive humanity which invites them to choose lasting values. Grant us the wisdom needed to discern, in the present culture, some fields of nourishing ears of wheat from which they can extract flour and make a tasty and substantial bread. May the fidelity to God which we proclaim inspire their love and their own fidelity.
Word of the Lord: Ruth 1; 1-22
Céline Comeau, sjsh