Thought of the week
The Lord is my strenght and my song.
- Exodus 15:2
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Maison de la famille LeMoyne: a place for change
As an Associate of the Sisters of Saint-Joseph of Saint-Hyacinthe since 1997, it is to add action to my faith that I value my social involvement in the Maison de la Famille Lemoyne (LeMoyne Family Home). I am presently a member of the board of directors of that organism.
After brewing for a few years, that organism took shape with the help of the CLCS and the people of the milieu. Certain needs were identified in this city marked by unfavorable socioeconomic factors : low level of scholarship, high level of single parent families, and poverty.
But, when the Sisters of Saint Joseph arrive in Saint Josaphat, LeMoyne Parish, the sending off and a heartfelt impetus is given to the activities. In fact, that organism really fits into this Congregation’s project of helping young people and families. Sisters Suzanne Déziel, Marie-Claire Dupont, Suzanne Leduc, Pauline Phaneuf, Mariette Tellier, and Diane Tardif formed this local community.
With modest means, as in many beginnings, we welcome youngsters to help them with their homework in the basement of the churches in Saint Josaphat and Saint Maxime in LeMoyne. A hearty welcome and a light lunch are ever present. The warmth, a listening ear, and support given to the young allow us to witness marked progress in their school results. The « Maison de la Famille » gradually becomes a place of reference for the milieu.
Sponsored at first by the CAPL LeMoyne Popular Action Committee, the Maison de la Famille is incorporated in January 2000 because the aims are different.
A respite day care is opened to allow parents to take an forenoon off providing, in return, a period of babysitting each month. In this atmosphere of exchange, the parents learn from one another under the direction of the person in charge.
Some talks are also offered to improve parenting skills while the children socialize at the day care.
A partnership with the city, the school, the merchants, the Credit Union, the CLSC, and other organisms such as the Msgr Moreau Foundation. , the Foyer de Charité Foundation, allows the Maison to build its credibility and, since it provides proof of its worth, it obtains certain grants which allow it to hire personnel (6 employees, at present) who support some fifty volunteers.
This year, two new programs are offered : a sharing of food knowledge «Comment se nourrir sans y laisser sa chemise» et «Viens bouger avec moi». « How to eat within one’s means » and « Come and be active with me » This latter activity provides parent-children sharing through games and teaches parents how to exercise with their children.
Families who participate in the Maison activities develop a spirit of belonging for they find an atmosphere of trust which allows them to grow and to change.
It is with emotion and great pride that I represented the Maison de la famille LeMoyne at the National Assembly for the presentation of the Quebec Government prize « Tribute to Volunteers » on April 21, 2004 (18 Quebec organisms received that prize).
I must add that, in addition to Élisabeth Bergeron, founder of the Sisters of Saint-Joseph of Saint-Hyacinthe, we also count on an ally in Heaven in the person of Sister Suzanne Déziel, deceased in August, 2000 who was one of the pioneers. They both watch over our different needs.
In all this adventure, I find satisfaction : doing my small part to make the world better. It is thus for me an occasion for revealing a God « who is close to each human being ».
Diane Martel Bariteau, associate