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You are always at my side,
you are my strength,
my courage, my support.
You are here: Home / About Us / Fields of activity / Lesotho / Petrusburg : Thaba'Nchu
The town of Thaba'Nchu, founded in 1873, got its independence in 1979 and was incorporated into the Republic of South Africa in 1994 with the birth of the "New South Africa". Thaba'Nchu is near the Kingdom of Lesotho and is probably best known for the Aran wool items of clothing hand-knitted by the local artisans.
Sister Marianna Kalaka
Sister Celestina Rammea
Sister Amelia Lesoetsa
Sister Perpetua Manyala
The sisters of Thaba'Nchu are active in pastoral work. They teach catechism to adults and children preparing for communion and confirmation. They visit families. They offer counselling to victims of HIV / AIDS. They visit these people in their homes and offer training to the family members living with them. The sisters have also set up a project to financially help the orphan children of the victims.