By renouncing to become Mary’s spouse,
By accepting to grant her her freedom
By choosing her anew as your spouse
And deciding profoundly to be the father of her child,
You lived a Passover…
By renouncing to dwell in Nazareth,
Willing to renounce your well-being,
By choosing to bow to the requested census
A few days before the birth of Jesus,
You lived a Passover…
By again renouncing to dwell in Nazareth
And accepting to leave your homeland
To choose life in Egypt
To protect your child from Herod’s foolish intentions
You lived a Passover…
Teach me,
Through my renunciations,
My choices, and my decisions,
To live, in my personal life
As the days go by,
Multiple Passovers!
Lise Berger, sjsh