Thought of the week
Kindly words are a honeycomb:
Sweet to the taste wholesome to the body.
You are here: Home / About Us / Fields of activity / Brazil / Miranda do Norte
At a distance of 126 kilometers from São Luis, Miranda do Norte is bordered on the north by Itapecuru-Mirim; on the east by Cantanhêde; on the west by Arari, and on the south by São Mateus. Miranda covers 3 kilometers in length by 3 to 7 kilometers in width.
After a vain attempt to obtain Italian Sisters, Dom Motta asked Mother Catherine Farmer, our general superior, during her trip to Brazil in 1975, for a few Sisters to work in education and pastoral ministry in this small city. Having obtained a favorable answer, Dom Motta promises to build a house for the Sisters who arrive at Miranda in February 1976.
Sister Cécile Pelletier
Sister Madeleine Francoeur
Sister Iracema Santana Nogueira
Sister Maria de Lourdes Lopes
From 1976-77, catechetical sessions are offered to children, to youths, and to adults, priority being given to the formation of catechists, leaders of neighbouring communities and popular evangelists. Through the years, many groups were formed to provide help to people both on the human and on the spiritual levels. According to their abilities, the Sisters are also involved in teaching in the public sector.
The sisters left Miranda do Norte in January 2003 after 27 years of service to the people of this city.