In the footsteps of their model, Joseph, educator of the Child Jesus, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Saint Hyacinthe and their Associates are dedicated to the integral education of the human person.
(Extract from the charism of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Saint Hyacinthe.)
Moment of silence
Joseph watched over Jesus as he grew and became strong, full of wisdom, and God’s blessings were upon him… The upbringing that Jesus receives at home prepares him for the role he will have to assume in society…
Joseph has been an educator for the mission.
Let us pray
Hail to you Joseph, son of David,
Most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Perfect educator of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kind Saint Joseph, pray for us, your children,
Pray for our family you have deigned to safeguard and protect.
Moment of silence
Together with Mary, Joseph put complete confidence in Jesus whom he made the center of his life. “Believing in the capacity for someone to grow”, says Jules Beaulac “is to put that person on the road to growth”. The effectiveness of the education Jesus received is confirmed by the words of Luke,
«He was obedient to them» (Lc 2, 51).
Let us pray
Hail to you Joseph, son of David,
Most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Perfect educator of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kind Saint Joseph, pray for us, your children,
Pray for our family you have deigned to safeguard and protect.
Moment of silence
'Joseph was able to go beyond his fears and be open to change, with enough self-confidence to face risks and unforeseen events of his life. Jesus found in this humble worker what he needed in order to grow in strength and wisdom, in freedom, and peace. 'Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house' (Lc 2, 49), he could say trustingly.' (Marcel Taillefer)
Living daily with Joseph, Jesus learned a freedom which is committed to a lifelong project leading him to total self-giving out of love. Joseph taught the kind of freedom that commits itself to a project for life…
Let us pray
Hail to you Joseph, son of David,
Most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Perfect educator of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kind Saint Joseph, pray for us, your children,
Pray for our family you have deigned to safeguard and protect.
Louise Millette, sjsh