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Bearers of the star

The darkness of night
“The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light.
The stars will come falling out of the sky…
”   Mk 13, 24-25

Let us dare to advance in the night of the world,
today’s night!
The bloody night of wars
The night of domination by fear
The night of passion and of wealth
The night of control over the most vulnerable members of society

Opaque and dense the darkness that surrounds us!

The distress of the world calls to mind our personal darkness
What makes up my night?
Anxiety? Sickness? Poverty?

Walking in the night

Let us walk humbly, groping along…like the blind
Like the blind whose eyes see no more
We still have the Light of Heaven.

Together, we shall make our way through the night!

Following the star

If, like the Magi
We are aware of the signs
We raise our head
We fan the flames of our desire
A star will surprise us.
Follow the star of the Magi, that which says
God is here! Stop!
The way of the star is a sure one…the way of desire...
It is Advent time
Today, God makes everything new.

Journeying home

The way of the star is a surprising one…it leads home
If I return home, in the depth of mystery, of silence, of night,
I shall find the Star: God with us!
Like Mary, radiant by the Child she bears
The star within me transforms my whole being
Bearers of the Star
God in us
It is Christmas

Marie-Claire Dupont, sjsh

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